Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Vat of Chocolate

I don't know why Tom complained. If I fell in a vat of chocolate, I wouldn't complain or want anyone to help me out.
I love chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate.
Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate.
Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate.
Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate.
Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate.
Lalli Doodum- Lalli Doodum Day....

Friday, August 22, 2008

When people think Bonnie, what do they think?

Harry Potter

Shia LaBeouf

Disney Channel

Drake and Josh


Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Okay so when ANYBODY thinks of me a few things come to mind. So now I'm curious what people think of you...

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Twilight Series

So The Twilight Series was written by Stephanie Meyers. Apparently, she's a Mormon Arizonian, like myself. It's about vampires and vampires have always been one of favorite sources of entertainment whether I'm reading or watching it. (Underworld, 30 Days of Night, Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein, Van Helsing, Blue Bloods, ect.)
So it didn't take much for me to find out what it was and then want to read it myself.

I read the first (Twilight) back in... oh... I believe May... Anyways... I started reading it at about 4:00 in the morning and I didn't put it down until I was finished. I loved it. I loved the characters, the story line, the pace, the descriptions- I could imagine all perfectly.

Then I went to read the second (New Moon) and I couldn't get into it so I gave up after... two or three pages in... But Chelcie told me to keep reading so I did. And once I got passed the first few pages I got into it and I liked that one almost as much as the first. They introduced more characters and brought new light to old ones, the story line was just as intense, the pace was a little slower, but again the descriptions where just as awesome.

But I had to wait a week or so to read the third (Eclipse) because I didn't have access to a copy. But by and by, Chelcie got it in an ebook form and I read it on the computer. Now... this one... this one was good-probably tied with New Moon. Maybe a little behind. There is a lot of... one of the characters is even more whiny and annoying than they were in the others and it kind of irritated me... But the story was good and kind of dragged until the last few chapters, then it became the butt-clencher the others were... There were a few things that made me feel ever slightly uncomfortable. (They make out)

And now there is Breaking Dawn... ... ... ...

Now, most who know me, know how easily I blush or become uncomfortable about.... dirty things. For instance, I won't watch a movie if it's rated R for romance. Or if it's PG-13 for romance... Or if someone kisses in front of me... Or even certain words... Basically anything that has to do with the reproductive system or birth or... You get the picture...
I had told Tami that the few minor things in Eclipse made me feel uncomfortable and she told me that if those little things made me feel uncomfortable then Breaking Dawn would.
So I figured there was probably more making out and thought- uh-oh... well whatever- I'll read it anyways.
So Tami bought it the night it came out. It took her a few days then brought me her copy so I could read it. I was ridiculously excited and as soon as it was in my hands I started to read.
Not to far into the book... I found what she meant... and boy was she right. It doesn't get descriptive like those romance novels that middle-aged women read but there was.... suggestive material... *blush*
The first... three-quarters of the story line was kind of... different. Not bad different but, slightly... scratch-your-head- and-sigh different. Then the last quarter was where the tension came back (For me at least). It dragged on a bit right in the middle of the book... maybe a little before... the descriptions were good... but I felt uncomfortable a few times.

But all in all, I think that the The Twilight Series is flippin sweet. If you are a fan of the civil-non-wild animal version of vampires then these books are for you. However, if you're a wild-animal-rip-every-humans-throat-out-and-drain-their-blood fan (30 Days of Night) Then I suggest to stay away because you'll probably roll your eyes and say, "What is with you girls and your lame book?"..... DAN... I know you've been thinking it this whole time and now you're smiling because you know it's true...

Thus ends my review of the The Twilight Series. I hope it has been informative and helpful.... Not really, I just wanted everyone to know my opinion. I don't care what you think. :)

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