Sunday, October 31, 2010

I Think; Therefore I Am

 I think no matter what a man looks like- pretty or ugly- they'll always look 100 % better in 1940's fashion.
 I think that Peanut Butter M&M's are far superior than Peanut, Plain or Pretzel.

 I think that dirty content in movies and games is pointless.

I think if I had a million dollars I would get liposuction.

I think if I were thinner I would shop at Rue 21 and Hot Topic.

I think that I like most movies and TV shows because of the nice looking fellas in the movie or show. Even if the movie sucks- I will love it. I usually come to my senses and admit to the sucky-ness of the movie.

 I think that the environmental brain washing of children starts at an early age.

 I think that if Native Americans and Black people get special privileges and/or money by the American Government because of past wrongs- Mormons should too.

 I think that I would love to jump rope right now.

I think you're Mom goes to college.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

*Cough* *choke*

I'm sick.
    It's okay. It only hurts when I inhale.
         It's immediately followed by a fit of coughing.
  It'll go away in two or three days.
      I'm gonna go nap.

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