Sunday, December 21, 2008


 Why can my health ever be good? If I don't have a cold- it's some form of stomach issues. If it's not that I have dental issues. I'm sick of it... :(

 I just got over a cold and less than a week later- BAM- my stomach acts up.

 I don't feel good right now. It's 3:51 in the morning and I woke up two hours ago feeling icky and a little on the vomity side. 
 For the past three... maybe four days I've been at Heidi's house helping her pack and I need to go tomorrow to help her move still and I feel like crap. And I left my Cherry Pepto Bismol at her house so I don't even have the comfort of that.
 We have the Wal-mart brand of Malox but it is not helping me. 
 I went to WebMD to see if I could narrow down my problem... 
Yeah it gave me a list of fourteen things it could be and almost everyone of them had the same symptoms so I'm no closer to finding out what my problem is than when I started.  I just hope it's not a horrible disease I will meet my demise from. That would suck...  

I was told by Mother to drink vinegar but I have a very sensitive gag reflex. 
But the smell, the taste, the fact that it looks like pee pee-... *sigh* I know that it will make me vomit.
 I wish I knew the secret. The secret that would make my stomach feel better without making me want to gag. Anyone have any secret remedies they want to share?


Dan said...

Exercise, lots of it. That'll do more for you than anything else. Working your body will make it run better. Lower your sugar intake. Take your vitamins.

It's NOT a tumor.

Amy said...

I completely 100% agree with that man. It's just the cold, hard truth. It's advice as old as time. We're meant to be physical beings. Hard as it is to actually do.

All I know is, I feel my best when I've been doing something as simple as walking everyday. I haven't been very vigilant doing my walking the last few months and wouldn't you know it--my back has been hating me for quite some time. My own fault.

I plan on quitting chocolate and getting back to my Walk-Away after Christmas.

As for the vinegar. Yuck. Try an apple a they say.

Aunt Me said...

To settle your stomach try some tea. Mint Medly is really good because mint has a calming effect on your stomach. It tastes much better than the vinegar.

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