Friday, February 26, 2010


I hate them.

You can thank the 2002 Winter Games for my hostility. Most born-out-of-state Utahns should agree with me. If not- I hate you too.

1 comment:

Dan said...

It's true. The 2002 Olympics were such a pain in the butt for me at work that it soured me on the whole idea.

They made SLC feel like Khrushchev-ist Russia circa 1955. Soldiers armed with M-16's on every street corner demanding, "Your papers! Your purpose here, comrade!" Amerika-with-a-K, indeed.

A gazillion and one clueless foreigners wandering around in the middle of the street, awful traffic and freeway congestion. The town of Park City literally at a standstill when I had to get downtown in my rig, which was a nigh impossible feat at the best of times.

The horror.

On the bright side, I made a lot of overtime money. A guy I worked with later was a locksmith at the time and told me he cleared 40k during the Olympics just retrieving keys locked in cars. He had a good year.

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