Saturday, July 3, 2010

Upcoming Titles...

There are a few movies coming out this year. I'm not necessarily excited to see them, but I thought I would bring them to light and show y'all some of the trailers.

First off- I would TOTALLY see this. With Tami. Or Heidi. It's Paranormal Activity 2. The first one HORRIFIED me. When the movie was over it took me a good ten minutes to work up the courage to make the one minute walk back to my house. It freaked me out.
 This one has a dog and a baby involved. Animals and babies are always more perceptive of paranormal-ness. Not that I'm a psychotic paranormal believer but Old Lady Jackson has terrified me enough to be aware.

The second movie- Sorcerer's Apprentice.
 Wait a minute- you mean to tell me that Jerry Bruckheimer is producing a movie with Nicholas Cage! I'm shocked. No. Not really. What do you want to bet there's gonna be a five minute long chase scene that is pointless to the story line? If there's not I surely will be shocked.

Next- Scott Pilgrim VS the World.
 I'm so ashamed of my self but I actually want to see this. I hate Michael Cera. Most people think he's funny- I don't get it, but there is something that appealed to my geek side.
 Maybe its the fact that Edgar Wright directed it. Why should that matter? Because that is the awesome man that directed Shawn of the Dead and Hot Fuzz.

Also- Nanny McPhee Returns.
 I liked the first one. It was cute. It's like Mary Poppins but not. This one has Ewan McGregor. Yeah, yeah. You probably hate him. I think he's adorable. His face helps too.
The down side? Maggie Gyllenhaal. I hate her. She's funny looking and she's gross.

And lastly- Resident Evil: Afterlife.
 Bla bla bla. I don't care if you thought the others were crap. I will watch the 1st and 3rd if they're on TV. And I've had Tami's copy of the 3rd for weeks. The second was boring. I actually don't remember much of it.  Maybe I should re-watch it.  This one has Wentworth Miller and he has a nice face. Yeah- that's one reason I liked the 3rd. It had Christopher Egan who also has a nice face. There are some movies I'm willing to surrender my self to for the simple reason of eye candy.

I can wait for the DVD release on a few but some I expect Tami or Heidi to take me too. :)


Dan said...

I am so, so, so, so sick of Michael Cera. He was only funny in Arrested Development as George Michael. All the characters he's played since then were George Michael in the stone age, George Michael in a zombiepocalypse, and now apparently George Michael on Gilligan's Island.

Enough is enough.

I'm excited about Paranormal Activity 2, though. The first one made me paranoid.

And it looks as though my rule about Jerry Brucheimer movies is holding true--In anything that Brucheimer has a hand in, there will be a car chase where multiple vehicles will be destroyed, something in the movie WILL explode, usually more than once, and at some point in the movie, Nicholas Cage will show up and make the rest of the movie dumber.

I swear, I have a strange theory about how Nicolas Cage made a deal with the devil to get his movie career, but so far I can't figure out what he traded for. Given his acting performances, I might say that he traded his soul for his career, but given just how well he's managed to do in Hollywood, I think he may have thrown Brucheimer's soul in as well to sweeten the deal.

It's the only explanation for that odd symbiotic relationship they have.

Jeremy said...

Scott Pilgrim VS the World. i dont know what to say

Nichelle said...

One thing I cannot stand in scary movies are creepy kids. Like in The Grudge. Gives me the willies.

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