Someday, in the world that exists in my head, I'm gonna have me a Barbecue. Who am I gonna invite to my barbecue? People who make me happy. People who I like as people- not because I'm a fan of them, but because I feel like they are people I wish I knew. People I would like to be friends with and have a beer with. (Soda for me, of course). People who seem like cool people.
Who is on this list of people?
Well, first off, George W. Bush. Doesn't he seem like he's fun to know? I don't care if you think he ruined America. I think he is an enjoyable individual. Remember his reaction when he couldn't open the door. He's a dork. I like him.
Secondly, Adam Baldwin. How could I not invite him? He's brought me much joy since I was eight. And I think he's awesome. Who doesn't?
Thirdly, we have Toby Keith. I love Toby. He's just so... Toby Keith. He seems like a good chap. He's like a Teddy Bear. However- I hope he either gets better acting lessons or quits movies.
Next we have George Strait. George is one of my favorite people on the planet. I've always been a fan of him. As long as I can remember, George has been there.
Fifth on the list, is Tim McGraw. He seems normal- not like most celebrity's. Especially ones that say or sing that they're still normal. Like that wife of his. Mississippi Girl? The song is about how she's still the same she used to be. But the song is saying how awesome she finds herself. It's going against itself. And she totally has a big head. Youtube it. I even don't mind him as an actor. In fact- I would like to see him in more movies. He had short rolls in The Kingdom and Friday Night Lights and I say he did well in both.
I would like the Jonas Brothers to be there as well. Why wouldn't I? They seem like good sensible young men. And they're a hoot on that show of theirs. Pre- LA. I liked it better when they lived in the fire house. It was goofier.
Of course Glenn Beck needs to be there. It would be just swell to be around him. I love him. Glenn Beck for President! I'm jealous of his friends. I want to know him! If you don't like him, you shouldn't be reading my blog and should leave the page immediately.
I can't think of the others I'd invite. Help me out. Who do you think I should invite?
Lessee, you forgot a couple of people.
First, how could you possibly forget Mike Rowe, with which no celebrity BBQ would be complete without?
And second, Brad Paisley, cuz a good time would be had by all.
And Nathan Fillion, because that guy is hilarious live.
That's it. I got nothing else.
How could I forget any of them!
I think Mike Rowe is a hot ErnestP. Whorrell... From the Ernest movies... ya know?
I love Brad. He has some fantastic tunes.
Nathan is awesome all around. I love him.
If we have Nathan and Adam there, we'll also need Alan Tudyk.
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